The use of various methods in raising a child

Many women immediately after the birth of a baby think about his proper development and upbringingф and also And they do it right! The sooner the foundations of personality formation are laid in the child, the more confidently you can get the necessary results in the future.

Psychological methods of education
In psychology, there are many classifications of upbringing methods, but the most common is based on the criterion of the method of influencing the educated.

Such a classification highlights the methods of forming a person’s consciousness, which include various kinds of conversations and dialogues, life examples and explanations of aspects of behavior.

The methods of forming the practice of social behavior mean such things as: obedience to the rules, public opinion, accustoming, completing tasks, pedagogical situations.

Important methods of creating an impulse of behavior include: competition, praise and punishment.

All known world methods of raising children contain the above elements and, but in one the emphasis is on conversations and situations, in the other – on parental example, in the third, creativity prevails. Which one to use is up to the parents themselves. The following is a list of the most popular techniques at the moment.

The most famous methods of raising children in the world

The method of Maria Montessori is based on the organization of a special environment adapted to a certain age of the child.
Development from the cradle by Glen Doman is based on the confidence of the unlimited potential of the child’s brain in assimilation of information.
Jean Ledloff bases our vision of a happy child on the fact that adults, with their excessive guardianship, do not interfere with his own development.
Boris and Elena Nikitin have developed a huge number of educational games and items designed for the development of the child in all possible directions. They were supporters of the all-round development of the individual.
The Waldorf school takes children’s interest as the basis for education and upbringing, which in the process only needs to be warmed up. Then the child himself will strive for knowledge.
The Ikuji system has a long history of raising Japanese children. It consists in the fact that the children’s period is divided into three types: permissiveness (up to 5 years), strict discipline (5–15 years), equality and respect (over 15 years).
Doctor Suzuki. The pedagogical core of this technique is education with music.

What should be considered when choosing a methodology?

The selection should be made based on the initial source data. These include the age of the child, his temperament, character, environment, methods of education acceptable to parents, and social ties. The latter include not only relatives, but also children’s educational and entertainment institutions.

It is advisable in kindergarten, development centers and at home to adhere to one model of education. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the development of a child consists not only in education, but also in the formation of correct and healthy physical and psychological habits.

The interaction of pedagogical techniques in everyday everyday activities or in the process of a simple game will lead to amazing results in the formation of a child’s personality.

A correctly chosen approach to education will help the child grow up as a self-sufficient, developed, creative person with a flexible learning mind and worthy moral behavior.