How to punish a child?

What could be the punishment?

By no means physical. Scolding, insulting, ridiculing is also not good. Physical and moral punishment is humiliating and forever remains in the memory of a person.

Stop for a minute before punishing.

1. Never punish if you are in a bad mood. Psychologist Kolmanovsky claims that any negative from a person is not because he is bad, but because he is bad.

Pretty mother sitting on couch scolding her daughter at home in the living room

2. Find out the motive why the child did this, then make a decision about To do this, you need to “accept yourself”. In the actions of parents, an important role is played by the experience from childhood, when you were scolded for wrongdoing. The fear of condemnation formed in those distant years often guides the decisions of adults even now. Therefore, the decision on the problem must be taken carefully.

3. Don’t be afraid of punishment. If the child is afraid of punishment, he will deceive you, thinking out how to avoid it. Even the question “Why did you do this?” – this is a condemnation. According to the psychologist, sympathy is much more effective. “I can imagine how uncomfortable it is for you right now. Me too… Why are we in trouble?..”.

4. Spare no effort and patience to explain why it is impossible to do this? Why is that bad? What exactly did the child do wrong?

5. Be consistent: if you forbade something last week, then you can’t do it this week either. White lies don’t work. Untruth should be completely excluded from dialogue with children.

6. Alexander Kolmanovsky also reminded parents that from a very early age, a child goes through a gradual process of self-affirmation. And when a child, as parents like to say, “snarls”, he thus tries to defend his authority and Here it should be remembered that there is no overestimation of self-esteem. There are different ways to get out of low self-acceptance. Another thing is how far a teenager goes in words …

In conclusion. The worst punishment for any child is the rejection of his parents. Therefore, if, after an unseemly misconduct of your child, you show that he has upset you very much, that you may be disappointed in him, this will have its effect.

Be patient in the process of education, and most importantly – love the child with all his mistakes and mistakes.