What is the benefit of hot yoga?

Yoga https://www.julianalucky.com/yoga-for-kids in a room heated to 38-42 degrees Celsius is different in that the muscles and joints in it warm up as much as possible, the body becomes softer, tension is relieved faster. Such practices strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and help to recover from injuries. At the same time, hot yoga has a number of contraindications, such as high blood pressure or varicose veins.

“Hot yoga” is often called Bikram yoga, but putting an equal sign between them is not entirely correct. Bikram yoga was founded by the Indian Bikram Chowdhury, and it has clear rules. The practice consists of 26 asanas and two breathing exercises, all performed in a specific sequence. While “hot” can be called any yoga practice that takes place in a room heated to a certain temperature.

Benefits of Hot Yoga

1.Increased Flexibility
Stretching when your muscles are warm — as you do in hot yoga — improves flexibility in your muscles and increases range of motion in your joints. A March 2013 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that after 8 weeks, Bikram yoga participants had better flexibility in their shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings compared to the control group.

Flexibility makes certain yoga poses easier to get into, especially ones that require deep stretching. Yoga also strengthens your muscles: That same study found participants also increased the amount they could deadlift.

2.Greater Lung Capacity
Because yoga concentrates on breathing techniques and staying mindful of your breaths, you train your lungs to retain more air. Taking regular, deep breaths allows more oxygen to enter your bloodstream, keeps your lungs healthy and increases your lung capacity, which tends to decrease with age.

Pranayama, a specific type of yoga breathing exercise, focuses on controlling your breath for a certain length of time. It involves abdominal, thoracic, and clavicular breathing that trains you to increase oxygen intake.

3.Better Bone Mass
Bone density naturally decreases as people age. For example, those who go through menopause lose up to 50 percent of their bone mass, about half of which is lost during the first 10 years after menopause begins.

Over a 5-year period, premenopausal people who practiced Bikram yoga had increased bone density in their hips, lower back, and neck, according to a May 2014 study in Scientific Research. The study concluded that a heated environment reduced the effects of osteoporosis for women by improving circulation, respiration, and perspiration.