Each child reads at a different speed. One reads slowly, stretching out the words, and the other reads quickly, “swallowing” the information received. The speed of reading is determined by the character, peculiarities of thinking, the degree of mental activity and dra reading levels by grade.

The basis of the classic technique of speed reading is the rejection of internal procrastination. It’s better to start training this trick at the age of 10-12. Up to that time a child understands better the material read at the same speed as when talking. And yet the brain of a 5-7 year-old child is the most open to learning new things.

Also remember that you need to teach your

child to read fast only if he wants it himself. Forcing your son or daughter, you will not make any progress, only wasting time. To interest your child in learning a new skill, use games that will show the positive aspects of speed reading.

He lacks attention and concentration on the text. At the end of a sentence he may forget what was said at the beginning.
Operative field of vision is small. The baby only pays attention to a couple of letters, he can not cover the whole word at once.
Small and undeveloped vocabulary.
Poorly developed articulation system and diction.
The child is not interested in literature.
The material is not suitable for the child in terms of age.
Visual regression. The baby often rereads the words, phrases, passages that he has already read.

The child’s reading speed is an important factor in reading comprehension. The faster a child reads, provided he fully assimilates what he reads, the more knowledge he gets. And any parent wants his kid to become a smart and educated person. It is possible to develop speed reading, especially for children 6-8 years old. The main thing is to work hard. To teach your child to read quickly, there are several ways. One of them is presented here:

Our hands are our friends. Physical movement increases reading speed. Our brains are programmed to fixate on actions. When we read using our finger or a piece of paper, we create movement on the page of a book. The brain fixes it and increases concentration. Leading across the page can be done with a finger or a card.
Finger-pointer. The child should lead the finger vertically across the book page. The speed should be slightly faster than the speed of the eyes. It is possible to move it both centrally and sideways. The main thing is not to change pace or stop.
Separating card. If you do not have one, you can use a regular one-color piece of paper. The child should put the card on top of the line. Thus, it increases attention, because it does not return to the previous phrases.
Peripheral vision. To develop the skill of speed reading a child will help lateral vision. With his help, instead of a couple of letters your baby can read a whole phrase. You can train lateral vision with the help of the Schulte table. This is a table consisting of 25 squares. Each of them has a number in it. It is necessary, looking only in the center, to find all the numbers in descending or ascending order.

Subvocalization rejection. Subvocalization is the mental utterance of phrases by means of mouth movements. This “monologue to yourself” makes reading speed difficult. To wean yourself from it, you can:
clamp the tip of a pen, match, toothpick with your teeth;
press your tongue against your palate;
put a finger or a pencil to your lips;
to put white noise, calm music, or a metronome count in the background.
Refusal to return to what has been read. Sometimes the child returns to the reading fragment because he or she is thinking about something or something has distracted him or her. This increases reading time for the whole text by 30%. To break the habit, you can use finger-pointer techniques and a divider card. Also teach your child to develop willpower. Explain that next in the story he makes up for the gaps from earlier.
The Liberica course at AMAKids Academy of Intelligence Development. Liberica is the answer to the question of how to test a child’s reading speed. Liberica is a unique technique that increases children’s reading speed by a factor of 5 or more. Children will become more attentive and focused after the training. They will perceive new information with one hundred percent comprehension. This program will help improve the speed of reading. In addition, your child will become interested in literature, will read more, and in the end, will love books as much as Belle from the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast”.

Some parents ask how to increase their child’s reading speed at home. First, mom and dad need to find out what problem is negatively affecting their child’s reading speed, and then fix it.

Any exercise should start with a warm-up. So first let the child pronounce the vowel letters clearly and distinctly, then the consonants, and then the syllables. For example, “Aoey, aeeyou; j-s-s-h, b-p-d-t; ma-ma, po-po, lu-lu. After this exercise, proceed with the syllables. It will be good if the child puts a few small walnuts in his mouth and tries to pronounce the phrases as clearly as possible. Such training prepares the child’s speech apparatus for reading.

Do breathing exercises. Let your child take a deep breath and say any words as you exhale. The more words, the better. If the baby coped with this, then use long phrases instead of words. Next, do articulation exercises, involving your tongue, teeth and lips.

Another exercise for increasing the speed of reading is “Ladders. The child’s task is to exhale words and phrases from the ladder from the first step to the last.

For example,


Cat is lying

Cat is on the bed.

The cat is lying on the bed and dreaming.

The beauty of this exercise is that a child can make up his or her own ladders to make it more interesting.

There is also an exercise called “Throw it!” The baby on the command “Throw!” begins to read the text. After a while, the parents give the next command: “Time it.” The child closes his or her eyes and holds his or her hands in his or her lap. When the command “Drop” sounds again, the child has to find the place in the text where he/she stopped. You can play this way for about 5 minutes. With this exercise the child learns to visually orient himself or herself in the text.

Exercise “Looking for half” suggests that the child must find the other half of the word in each column. If the child does well, the number of lines in the column can be increased.

The main thing is not to forget that you have to train regularly. Otherwise you won’t see any results.