Remove all debris in way of repair area. On interior of basement break concrete 18” away from foundation walls and dispose. Dig down to footings by hand. Clean off existing interior footings and install a fresh 4“ perforated weeping tile system with filter cloth into trench. Break open sump pit at dimension 2.5ft x 2.5ft x 3ft and line pit with terra fix cloth.
Install industrial sump box basin and connect fresh weeping tile system into fresh basin. Install and surround fresh weeping tile system and sump box with 3/4” gravel. Install platon drainage board onto foundation wall from grade to depth of footings and fasten with concrete anchors and termination strips.
Install a fresh 1/3hp cast iron oil cooled sump pump with check valve. Connect sump pump exhaust line into existing plumbing.
Reinstall concrete floor. Remove and dump all debris.