Student learning styles

Learning Styles

Learning styles are inextricably linked with thinking styles. A learning style is a habit based on the individual characteristics of the learner. Style of learning is the dominant way to master the learning material. Style is the result of innate features and qualities acquired during the learning process. Students have different learning styles and learning styles, too. Each learner develops his or her own style over time, which can be difficult to change because the learning style is as individual as the signature.

The question is: Should we change the style? If there are 30 students in a group and everyone has their own style of learning, then any teacher will say yes, they do. It is necessary to bring everyone to the same style of learning, and then the results will be good. It is clear that it is so profitable for the teacher, because it is much easier to teach students in the same style.

And can you change your own style of the trainee himself? Maybe, but it is very difficult, because the style – it’s not just an acquired habit, and personal expression of the individual features of brain activity.

There is no better or worse style of learning. Each person learns his or her own style and this has to be considered. Each learning style has its advantages and disadvantages. In some learning situations, the owners of one style have an advantage, in others – another. In any student group we will always find several different styles of learning. This is why it is difficult to meet the requirements of different styles at the same time. The solution is to bring together students with the same Student learning styles. And the best way to do this is to adapt your learning to each student’s style.

Learning styles are based on the theory of different intellectuals. Based on the research of American psychologists and teachers H. Eardner, D. Thornburg, T. Armstrong, D. Lazier, B. Campbell, D. Voss, we will consider the learning styles (they are sometimes also called individual learning strategies), and derive practical recommendations to support students with different learning styles. American scientists Ken and Rita Dunn, who have worked extensively on learning styles, argue that learning styles must be used to improve the quality of academic work.

Styles of learning are based on different (already considered by us) types of intellect. Style of learning student with linguistic intelligence Student with this style: Senses patterns Loves order Systematic Discusses logically Loves to listen Loves to read Loves to write Easy to speak Loves to play words Well remembers details Can be good in public Speak in public Lead the discussion.

How to teach such students: Tell stories Play memory games with them Read and write stories Compose verbal parodies Write magazine articles Take interviews Play puzzles, words Combine writing and reading with other subjects Publish and edit school newspaper Live the debate, argue Discussion Use a text editor to teach computer skills. Learning style possessor of logical and mathematical intelligence Student with this style: Loves abstract thinking Loves accuracy Loves to consider organized Uses logical structures Fascinated by computers Fascinated by solving problems Fascinated by logical experiments Prefers to make ordered notes

How to teach such students: Stimulate problem solving Play mathematical and computer games Analyze and interpret data Use logical reasoning Support practical experiments Use hypotheses Implement logic and mathematics in other areas of study Identify the place for concepts and objects in the classification Allow actions to be performed sequentially, step by step Use deductive thinking Use computers milking tables and calculations.

Learning style visual-spatial intelligence student with this style: Thinking in pictures Creates visual images Uses metaphors Senses form Loves art: graphics, painting, sculpture Easily read maps, tables and diagrams Remembers with pictures Good sense of color To create images Uses all senses How to teach such students: Use a lot of visual material when teaching Make up different diagrams, symbols Draw maps, diagrams Implement art into other subjects Use memory cards visually represent the subject Learn to watch videos or create your own Use peripheral stimulation such as posters Use a mime Change the space in the room to change the perspective Use organizer and special tables to define goals Use clustering Make color markings
How to teach such students: Play musical instruments during lesson Learn by singing songs Use “active” and “passive” concerts to teach Learning with baroque music Work with music Attend choral singing groups Write music Use music in other disciplines Change mood with music Use music to relax Present/paint pictures to music Learn by speaking to music – melodic advertisements, sing poems, read choir Compose music on the computer Style of learning the owner of ideomotor intellect Student with this style: good control of his body bravely handles subjects good sense of rhythm has a quick reaction good reflexes best learns, moving fond of active sports loves to touch objects good skills in crafts loves to act loves to use tools learns when involved in the learning process memorizes what was done rather than what was said quickly adapts to changing environments plays with subjects while listening to information starts to behave restlessly if the whims of the information starts to be heard

How to Teach Such Students: Use physical exercises in which you yourself become the object of study Use to teach dance Use to teach a movement Learn through action Use tools and subjects in the study of science and mathematics More frequent “state changes” and interruptions Implement movements in all areas of learning Recover the information while swimming or running Use models, designers, toolkits Go on excursions Use games in tours

How to teach such students: Teach in a group To take many breaks to allow students to communicate with each other To use paired work in training To use communication skills To have “conversations with a partner” on the phone To organize holidays, Combining them with the learning process Make the learning process fun and exciting When studying any subjects widely use communication Use “find a person” exercises when you need to ask others to get answers to emerging issues Teamwork Teaching others Style of training the owner of visual intelligence For the student, the carrier of this style, are characteristic: Deep analysis of personal experiences Awareness of the purpose of life A well-developed understanding of the movements of one’s soul Strong intuition Self-motivation Knowledge of one’s strengths and weaknesses Closeness to people Desire to be different from most people Self-knowledge