Psychology of child development: why there are more problems?

Almost every one of us has or will have to be a parent, raise children. In recent years, the theme of preparing for parenthood, the study of the psychology of child development, has gained unprecedented popularity and

Various courses and training centers are being opened, programs are being created, many books and manuals on child psychology are being published. It would seem that all the problems associated with children and parenthood should have disappeared.

In practice, we observe that the problems have become no less, and perhaps even more, than some 20 years ago, when no one was doing. Doesn’t this seem strange?

But everything is very simple. Playing by someone else’s rules, allowing them to build a wall of learned stereotypes and false restrictions between themselves and their child, parents will only multiply their own disappointments, and nothing more!

Child psychology – what parents need!
You can find the most competent teachers or the most prestigious school for the child or– but this will only be useful if the parents themselves put their soul into the child and competently help him develop his abilities. Experts in the field of child psychology argue that for this you only need to understand that:

The best mentors, coaches and teachers of the child should be his parents. And these are not just nice words. The fact is that the influence of parents on the formation of a child’s personality is enormous and overshadows all other factors combined in strength.

Of course, parents only want the best for their children. Child psychology says that, however, without ASSUMPTION OF THE CHILD’S IDENTITY, caring for children can be a disservice. The uniqueness of the School of Successful Parenting is that the trainings and seminars on the psychology of child development, conducted by it, give current and future mothers and fathers effective tools that they can use for the benefit of their children.

Although the topics of the trainings and seminars conducted may be different – these are the Express Course for Married Couples “The Beginning of Your Child’s Life”, and “Early Start. Physical education for babies”, “How to fall in love with kindergarten”, “Training for expectant mothers “Active pregnancy”, etc.

The main idea is that parents can begin to think and act using a fundamentally new approach and the formation of THEIR reality, a happy space in which both parents and children will be comfortable.